Wednesday, February 8, 2012

C4T Post #1

Play, Learn, and Grow Together
For my first C4T, I was assigned Michael Fawcett (teachernz), from New Zealand. He has a teacher blogWhat Now? What Next? So What?  and he also has a blog for his class, Go Room 11Go! I went to his class blog and read some of the comments and he has had visitors from all around the world and many comments where he had inspired other teachers. Mr. Fawcett attended Educamp, a teacher driven conference, back in August, 2011 where he was able to meet some fellow educators face to face. He stated the camp was populated by eager teachers/learners who gave up their free time to be there. I thought, how wonderful that is; teachers willing to give up their free time to educate themselves so they can be more effective teachers. I think this is a wonderful way for teachers to see what works for others; to learn new concepts, connect, and like teachernz says, "collaborate" with others.

Danger Teacher in Bad Mood

The second comment I left for Mr. Fawcett, on his post “Education Reset”. You can tell by reading his post about the education system, he is very passionate about teaching and frustrate with the current school system. He basically states we need a reboot. The questions he poses are great and definitely leave you asking your own questions. I basically agree with him and the others bloggers and left a comment telling him how some of the county schools in my district have broken away or trying to break away to create their own school system. I guess you kind of look at that as a reboot in a way. I really enjoyed reading his blog. 


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